Welcome to
The Simple Funnel Academy
The Education, Hands-on support, and Confidence you need to launch your profitable sales funnel in 6 weeks

So you've got an offer that you KNOW can help people. Maybe you started a blog, Youtube channel, or podcast to get your message out to the world.

But over time you realized a slightly frustrating truth...

Organic Traffic is rewarding... but slow!
Staring at Google Analytics week after week, and praying that this will be the post that picks up steam!
We were exactly where you are
We've been blogging for over 7 years...

(gosh I'm getting old)...

And the beginning can be extremely slow going.

Post after post...

Video after video...

To crickets (or tiny blips of traffic.)

Sometimes a post will go viral! But quickly the traffic dies down again...

But at least organic traffic is free, right?
If you've delayed starting to spend a bit of money on paid advertising to grow your brand, leads, and income...

It's likely because you are afraid of the idea of an advertising budget.

I get it - it's a scary idea of spending money for exposure, when you could get free traffic organically, right?

...Now, I don't know about you, but I value my time. A Lot.

It's the only resource that's not replenishable.
Here's Exactly What You're Getting

Lifetime Access to Funnel By Number

Lifetime Access to Ads By Number

40-hours of live, hands on training with me 

Lifetime access to the training replays

Let me show you just a bit of what's inside each part.
Stop Wondering Where Your Next Sales Is Coming From With Funnel By Number
The most successful businesses don't simply hustle looking for their next sale. 

They turn their websites into consistent, predictable selling machines.

Even if you don't have your own product, you need to create a consistent sales process inside your website to maximize your results. In Funnel By Number, you are going to learn:

The 3 most powerful sales processes for beginners (you don't even need your own product)

How to hook all the tech up to make it work on autopilot

How to create a sales page that attracts & converts your customers without slimey sales tactics

How to optimize your funnel with A/B Testing

The Simple & Effective Way To Master Paid Traffic with Ads By Number
Even after blogging for 6+ years, the most consistent, reliable, and measurable way we have been able to grow our online business is through paid traffic.

There's nothing like being able to put $1 in to Facebook, and get $2 - $5 dollars back out within 48 hours.

And to know that you can target the perfect customers for your product and message.

So in Ads by Number, you're going to discover:

How to set up, run, and optimize your first Facebook Ads

How to find your perfect audience

How to bring visitors back to your blog even if they never subscribed

How to monetize your brand new subscribers

The major scaling mistake most beginners make and how to avoid it 

And much more...
The Coaching, Tech Support, And Second Set Of Eyes You Need with the Simple Funnel Academy Accelerator Program
We all know that courses are fantastic. Learn at your own pace, get results, etc...

But inevitably somewhere along the journey, you don't need a course...

You need individualized help. Which is why I decided to package this process together with a personalized 6-week program.

Here's what it looks like:

Unlike any other coaching program! 

Every Thursday, I will have a standing meeting for all students to join

And it's not like a 1 hour meeting where you can barely get 5 minutes with me.

I'll be streaming about 7 hours straight every Thursday (with small breaks for lunch and such)

Like in college, come in when it's convenient for you. Stay for 5 minutes and ask a question...

Or stay for 3 hours and let's work through your project together.

Can only stay for a bit, but curious what everyone else is working on? I'll keep all the replays of the sessions for you to review

I normally sell an hour of my time for 1:1 sessions for $350. But I want to help more people get results, and this group training will be the perfect option for 99% of people out there.

We all know that email support can be frustrating, and there's nothing quite like a live meeting to accelerate you through your problem.

So join in, get the help you need, and hop out to go accelerate your results!



Let's Recap Everything You're Getting

Funnel By Number (Value $247)

Ads By Number (Value $247)

40 Hours of Live Coaching & Hands-on Support (Value $14,000)

Lifetime Access to Growing Library of Replays (Value $997)

Bonus: 3 Done For You Sales Funnel Campaigns (Value $1497)

Total Value: $16,988

Today's Price: Only $997!
My 60-day
"Invested in you"

Of course, this is no get-rich-quick scheme. In fact, everything in life and business that is worth pursuing is going to be challenging.

But if you are skeptical or just not sure if this is right for you, let me make you this promise.

You can try this program for a full 60 days with zero risk.

All I ask is that you:

Complete all the trainings

Implement all the strategies

Attend & engage in all the live coaching sessions

Put in the work and keep a positive mindset

If you do all of the above, and STILL are unable to launch a funnel that can get you results, I'll happily refund your entire purchase.

I want results like these for you!
$100k profit in one month!
It all started with a little blog and tiny babies and has since grown into a million dollar plus business. 
When I started blogging I slowly built my blog with organic traffic. It took time and effort and allowed me to learn my voice, strengths and most importantly, my audience. 

I didn’t have the capacity to run a full time business, so the slow growth was perfect.

But then my little blog starting taking off and making a full time income.
It was at that time that John and I started discussing him leaving his corporate career to help me full time. 

Taking care of the home, three sweet kiddos and the blog was just getting too much. And I was struggling to break through an income level. 

After John left his corporate job he was able to help me more.

He implement funnels and started running Facebook ads for our business.
Working together, we were able to hit $100,000 in profit in a month!

It would have been impossible without him! 

Being able to run ideas by him, getting his input and having his strategic help has been a game changer for our business. 

There is nothing more valuable than having an expert take you by the hand and lead you to success.


Tracy says, "You totally helped me out. I used your information, got my site up and already got my first few sales!

I can finally sleep at night because you made it so simple!"

Oh My Gosh, that's AMAZING Customer Service!

Tinashe says, "I was having technical issues and John recorded a personal video for me.

As a business owner, I'm thinking "Now that's how you should treat your customers!"

Really Broke it Down Step-By-Step

Amy says,  "I really appreciated this course - John lays things out really clearly and step by step and gives you a framework to get started!"

Building Profitable Sales Funnels Doesn't Have to Be Complicated
My name is John Whitford.

I spent about a decade in corporate America as an Industrial & Systems engineer...

Learning how to lean out and optimize manufacturing processes for Toyota, General Electric, and Disney World.

What I learned was that the spirit of continuous improvement and data-driven process analysis was universal, and could easily be applied to any process where the steps were repeatable and data was available.

Kinda like Sales Funnels!

So when my first child was born (my baby girl!), my wife quit her job and started her blog to fill the void during nap times. 

As the blog grew, I began to apply my engineering training to her website to get it to scale to over $1,000,000 in sales in about 3 years.

Fast forward 6 more years, and we have achieved financial freedom and happily offer our products and services at reasonable prices to help other entrepreneurs and families achieve the same freedom.

The takeaway? If we can do this, SO CAN YOU! And I’d love to be part of your journey to freedom.

I'm Ready to Launch My Sales Funnel
And I'm so confident that my data-driven approach is universal, that you can use this method no matter what you are selling:

Online Courses

Memberships & Communities

Premium Done-for-you services


Coaching Programs


Ebooks & Guides

Digital Music

and so much more...

You might be wondering...
What's Exactly Inside the Simple Funnel Academy?
The Simple Funnel academy will give you instant lifetime access to a private member's area. 

Inside the member's area you'll get access to two complete courses with lifetime access:

  • Ads by Number - with over 30 video lessons
  • Funnel by Number - with over 60 video lessons

You'll also get access to 6 weeks of live group coaching & support.

Finally, you'll have access to the archives of ALL previous training from past sessions

Struggling to Launch Your Sales Funnel Is No Longer An Option! Get Started in Simple Funnel Academy


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Simple Funnel Academy$997

  • Total payment
  • 1xSimple Funnel Academy$997

All prices in USD